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IT ინფრასტრუქტურა

IT infrastructure

In today’s digital world, a reliable and scalable IT infrastructure is crucial for business growth. We help organizations build secure, high-performance IT environments that streamline operations, enhance productivity and improve user experience.


Our portfolio thoroughly includes:

  • Basic IT infrastructure - servers, high-performance computing systems, storage arrays, backup and archiving systems;

  • Hyperconverged infrastructure - software-defined controlled hardware that combines all the elements of a traditional data center: storage, computing, network and control systems;

  • Backup and archiving system - a system of backup copies for business-critical data and databases;

  • Virtual servers and Desktop infrastructure - Consolidation of the physical environment into virtual one in order to ensure proper resource allocation, management and cost optimization.

The main partners in IT infrastructure solutions are: DELL EMC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Citrix, VMware, Veeam, Commvault, IBM, Hitachi, Barracuda.

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